Saturday, May 31, 2008

Everyone has to start somewhere . . .

Is this cool or what?

Two months ago I was thinking about blogging. One month ago I was feeling guilty that I had not started blogging. This morning I decided to stop feeling guilty and start blogging.

And now I am blogging. For free!

How do "they" do that? How do "they" earn money by giving it away. I looked all over and there was no place to sign up for a blog that cost me money. How do "they" do that?

I guess I will find out as I go because I intend to blog for free - at least until . . . .

Two basic premises form my basis for this blog. First, the one with the most information usually outperforms. And second, I am where I am because people shared with me - so I intend to share some of the minutiae that I accumulate.

In other words, I like to have an edge so I crave detail. And I am giving back because I was given to.

Even if it turns out that I have something of value to share, how will people find me and this blog? Beats me. Outside of my mother who would read and cherish my To Do list if I would only give it to her, who else will read what I write? Beats me.

So . . . if you are reading this you are either lost or lucky. Time will tell us which.

Either way, I hope you return. I intend to blog about a lot of subjects. Most of them will be about programming (rails, java, etc) and tools that programmers use but occasionally I will veer off into more interesting stuff.


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